Continuing from my earlier post on SIMPLE STEPS TO GET THE IDEAS FLOWING:
Generate Options through Creative Visualisation:
Business Month, a United States based business magazine reported that the Harper Group, a large freight forwarding company, has won every major contract it vied for over the past ten years, from shipping building supplies for a new airport in Saudi Arabia to moving military equipment ito Bahrain.
The company's CEO John H Robinson said he achieved this through visualising success until it became ingrained in his subconscious mind and in everything he did.
The visualisation process is familair to thousands of high-performance athletes and sportsmen, including golfers, who claim that by imagining themselves crossing the finishing line or making their perfect putt, they actually make it happen.
Before you scoff off, try this creative visulaisation excercise. First, have a memory jogger handy, and find a comfortable position, either sitting or lying down. With your back straight, breathe in gently as you clench your fist, hold for a while and then breathe out completely as you release your fist. Repeat this for a few minutes. While doing this exercise, mentally tell yourself to relax.
Soft Baroque music in the background will enhance relaxation.
Next, imagine yourself taking a slow-moving elevator from the 21st floor of a building to the ground floor. Observe the lighted numbers on the button panel change as the elevator slowly descends. You will feel yourself going into a deeper state of relaxation.
Now visualise yourself tackling the problem or issue head-on, through several scenarios in your headspace. This is the fun part of the whole exercise, because you just let your imagination take over. Take as long as you like for this visualisation exercise.
As your return to your original state of awareness by mentally counting from one to five, quickly jot down in your memory jogger all your options that come to you.
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