"Genius is in-born, may it never be still-born."

"Oysters, irritated by grains of sand, give birth to pearls. Brains, irritated by curiosity, give birth to ideas."

"Brainpower is the bridge to the future; it is what transports you from wishful thinking to willful doing."

"Unless you keep learning & growing, the status quo has no status."

Friday, July 22, 2022


In this post, and subsequent posts, I would like to take the opportunity to share my personal learning experiences as a fast reader. I will also share my systematic approach to reading and other fast reading techniques.

I reckon the most important thing to do before you sit down to read, you need to define your purpose in the first instance.

In other words, you need to ask yourself mentally a few simple questions:

- What is my ultimate application of this reading material? (Other possible variations: 'What is the purpose of my reading?'; 'Why am I reading this material?'; 'What is my end goal in this reading?';)

- How important is this reading material to me?

- What do I want: a global overview or detailed information?

- How much time am I prepared to invest in my reading?

Examples of end goals:

- for a client presentation;
- for a project assignment or discussion;
- for general ideas only;
- just for the pleasure or the fun of it;
- for taking a certification examination;

Your answers or responses to the foregoing mental questions will serve as your reading objectives.

In turn, they will  influence and ultimately determine your reading method, entry point, depth of navigation and reading speed.

For example, if you are just reading for the pleasure or for general ideas only, then you don't have to read the whole book, but skim &/or scan through the book to get what you need.

But, if you are reading for a client presentation or for a certification examination, it will be a different ball game, as you need to read the book or each chapter or lesson slowly and carefully.

From the brain-based point of view, you are essentially setting precise commands for your brain.

Your reading objectives will automatically activate the reticular activation system (known as RAS for short) in your brain.

The RAS is an integral part of your lower brain, known scientifically as the Reptilian Brain, which sits on top of your spinal chord. 

Operationally, it's your sensory switching and gate-keeping station, and more importantly, it's always alert for life-threatening events. It also regulates all your vital body functions, like breathing, as well as all your instinctual and social behaviours

In theological terms, it is often believed to be the centre of your consciousness.

To understand how the RAS actually works, just think of a Tomahawk cruise missile with the guidance computer in its servo mechanism. 

Analogically, the RAS shares  more or less the same working principle with the servo-mecahnism of the cruise missile.

To put it in perspective: Your reading objectives will become your dominant thoughts. 

Your RAS will always follow the direction of your dominant thoughts (in fact, it is genetically hard-wired that way!).

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