"Genius is in-born, may it never be still-born."

"Oysters, irritated by grains of sand, give birth to pearls. Brains, irritated by curiosity, give birth to ideas."

"Brainpower is the bridge to the future; it is what transports you from wishful thinking to willful doing."

"Unless you keep learning & growing, the status quo has no status."

Thursday, July 21, 2022

Dilip Mukerjea writes in his new book, Learning How to Learn (not yet released; still in the works; this is a sneak preview!):


LEARNING HOW TO LEARN refers to the way the human brain is designed to learn, naturally, physiologically and psychologically, so that the suite of skills can be plugged into WHAT to learn. 

This means that anything (any subject) can be learned via attaining mastery of these skills. 

The driving force is ‘Applied Imagination’, whereby human memory, comprehension, and articulation are synthesised into a composite powerpack, a brainforce that garners winning outcomes, across all ages, domains, disciplines, and cultures, without the need for cramming, and mindless memorisation. 

Any paper shuffler can take one from A to B; the leader must take the people from A to X! X is the zenith point, the unknown zone in the sense of your limitless possibilities. It is also reflected in the exponential zone on the graph to the right, on the next page. 

As you can see, once again to the right, I have explained the miraculous benefit obtained from a simple 1% improvement in oneself via daily learning. 

Here are the crucial insights that have been explained: 

(1) Starting at a unit value of ‘1’, for example, if you do not improve or decline every day, for one year, you will remain at 1. 

(2) However, if you improve 1% every day, you will be 37.78 times better after 365 days, 

(3) BUT, if you decline in your standards by 1% every day, you will plummet from 1.00 to 0.03, almost zero, after a year!!! 

Drawing a parallel to this insight in terms of your money, the percentage increase in an original investment of $1.00 at 1% interest per day for a year = 3678% after 365 days! A miracle!

We are at the epicentre of seismic transformations in the way we organise our societies, run our businesses, live our lives. 

How we deal with these challenges is up to every individual; one thing is certain: we need to be skilled in converting obstacles into opportunities. 

We need concrete routes to realise the global aspirations for a sustainable and resilient world. 

There is a desperate urgency for us to arm ourselves with new navigation tools to combat the volatile, uncertain, complex, ambiguous, novel and turbulent (VUCANT) challenges that loom before us. 

Every institution must sharpen their visual acuity to look beyond its immediate interests and manoeuvre through a panoramic opportunity space that holds the secrets to future prosperity.

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