"Genius is in-born, may it never be still-born."

"Oysters, irritated by grains of sand, give birth to pearls. Brains, irritated by curiosity, give birth to ideas."

"Brainpower is the bridge to the future; it is what transports you from wishful thinking to willful doing."

"Unless you keep learning & growing, the status quo has no status."

Sunday, July 31, 2022

Because of my natural curiosity streak and passion for learning, I am always exploring new angles in recapping and reviewing what I have learned before.
Here is a random collection of astute observations from the Psycho-Cybernetics classic, pertaining to what I often like to call "You-niquesness":
  • “You” as a personality are not in competition with any other personality simply because there is not another person on the face of the earth like you, or in your particular class. You are an individual. You are unique. You are not “like” any other person and can never become “like” any other person. You are not “supposed” to be like any other person and no other person is “supposed” to be like you.”
  • “... in finding in oneself an individuality, uniqueness, and distinctiveness that is akin to the idea of being created in the image of God.”
  • “Inferiority and superiority are reverse sides of the same coin. The cure lies in realizing that the coin itself is spurious. The truth about you is this: You are not “inferior.” You are not “superior.” You are simply “You.” “You” as a personality are not in competition with any other personality simply because there is not another person on the face of the earth like you, or in your particular class. You are an individual. You are unique. You are not “like” any other person and can never become “like” any other person. You are not “supposed” to be like any other person and no other person is “supposed” to be like you.”
  • “Stop measuring yourself against “their” standards. You are not “them” and can never measure up. Neither can “they” measure up to yours—nor should they. Once you see this simple, rather self-evident truth, accept it, and believe it, your inferior feelings will vanish.”
  • “Dr. Norton L. Williams, a psychiatrist, addressing a medical convention, said that modern man’s anxiety and insecurity stemmed from a lack of self-realization, and that inner security can only be found “in finding in oneself an individuality, uniqueness, and distinctiveness that is akin to the idea of being created in the image of God.” He also said that self-realization is gained by “a simple belief in one’s own uniqueness as a human being, a sense of deep and wide awareness of all people and all things, and a feeling of constructive influencing of others through one’s own personality.”
  • “If he feels bad because he is inferior, the cure is to make himself as good as everybody else, and the way to feel really good is to make himself superior. This striving for superiority gets him into more trouble, causes more frustration, and sometimes brings about a neurosis where none existed before. He becomes more miserable than ever, and “the harder he tries,” the more miserable he becomes.”
  • “... your mental picture of yourself (is) “the strongest force within you.”
The essential message that permeates all these statements is, at least from my personal perspective:

Just be yourself. You were born original. Don't die a copy.

Your unique self is empowered and powerful. Your You-niqueness is what makes you unstoppable.

Also, bear in mind, comparison is the thief of joy.

If you continuously compete with others, you become bitter, but if you continuously compete with yourself, you become better.

In summing up, I reckon the legendary martial artist and philosopher Bruce Lee said it best:

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