"Genius is in-born, may it never be still-born."

"Oysters, irritated by grains of sand, give birth to pearls. Brains, irritated by curiosity, give birth to ideas."

"Brainpower is the bridge to the future; it is what transports you from wishful thinking to willful doing."

"Unless you keep learning & growing, the status quo has no status."

Wednesday, October 26, 2022

These are my  notes of a consecutive series of tweets:


"I joined the millionaire club when I was 35. I know what to look for when it comes to future millionaires. Here are 12 clear signs that you are destined to be a millionaire.

1: You invest 20% (or more) of your income. Nobody got rich just by saving money alone. And, nobody got rich by spending it, either. Investments build wealth. And, wealthy people are big-time investors.

2: You don't spend 12 hours watching TV on the weekend. Your weekends are your time to relax, but also to level up. To learn To side hustle To work on yourself Millionaires don't waste their weekends.

3. You know how to prioritize. Millionaires prioritize their life. They know what is important. Health > Family > Wealth Without the first two, it's much harder to achieve the third.

4. Your circle of friends is high-quality. Friends that support and motivate you are high-quality friends Friends that criticize and sabotage are no friends at all Millionaires never allow low-quality friends into their inner sanctum.

5. You spend very little time in your comfort zone. Comfort zones have their place. We need them. But, millionaires don't build wealth by spending their days in comfort. They do uncomfortable things. Doing uncomfortable things builds wealth.

6. You have more than one source of income. Income from your job or business is great. But, most millionaires have multiple sources of dependable income. If one fails, the others pick up the slack. Multiple income sources ensure long-term, dependable wealth.

7. You don't fear failure. To a millionaire, failures are learning opportunities. To the poor, failures mean that you're not good enough. The truth is failure builds: Character Experience Determination Millionaires use failures to level up their life.

8. You have a high moral character. Millionaires live and die by their morals and ethics. They sleep well at night because they operate their lives in a healthy and wholesome way. Rich criminals don't stay rich for long (unless they are politicians).

9. You smile. A lot. The happiest people I've ever met have also been the richest. Why? People want to work with happy people. Happy people are attractive Wealth is attracted to happy people Being happy creates money-making opportunities.

10. Your health is more important than your wealth. Successful people exercise consistently. Contrary to popular belief, they don't just sit in offices all day. Millionaires: Walk Eat healthily Resistance train Health DIRECTLY enables wealth.

11. You believe in winning. You don't apologize for things that you didn't do You don't feel bad about being more successful than your neighbor You believe in yourself. You believe that you belong. You believe in winning, and therefore, you do.

12. You are goal-oriented. Without goals, it's impossible to right the ship. To make changes. Why? Because without goals, you have no idea where you are going. Millionaires keep smart, achievable goals. And, they hold themselves to them!

Being a millionaire is more than just dollars. It's about: Habits Choices Lifestyle Confidence Get those right and you won't be able to keep the money away.

I spend a lot of time writing these threads. If you liked this thread, please retweet the first tweet. It helps me spread the message.

The world's best habits are those that *make you money*. I wrote a guide on how to copy those habits. I've sold guides like this for more than $100, but this one is yours free."

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