"Genius is in-born, may it never be still-born."

"Oysters, irritated by grains of sand, give birth to pearls. Brains, irritated by curiosity, give birth to ideas."

"Brainpower is the bridge to the future; it is what transports you from wishful thinking to willful doing."

"Unless you keep learning & growing, the status quo has no status."

Monday, August 29, 2022

Just sharing another vital lesson I have had learned from Dr Maxwell Maltz and his Psycho-Cybernetics classic, among other great stuff!

You must know yourself and believe in yourself. 
You must know who you are and what you really want in life.
If you believe you are a champion [just think about the Spermatozoa Analogy] and think like one, all you see are the winning opportunities waiting for you.
As a matter of fact, this is the first viewpoint strategy you need to possess when talking about developing an opportunity sensitive mindself.
By the way, ffolks, do you remember, strategy #2: 
"Be curious about the world around you, and learn to see it from many different perspectives?" 
Readers may want to go and read my  earlier posts about developing an opportunity mindset.]
That's to say, seeing from within yourself is the first prerequisite.
Dr Maltz's system of ideas on self-image psychology, which readers are already familiar with, underlies this approach.
Meanwhile, I like to leave these words of wisdom from ancient Chinese philosopher Lao Tzu of Tao Te Ching as further food for thought:

"Knowing others is intelligence;

Knowing yourself is true wisdom;

Mastering others is strength;

Mastering yourself is true power."

Stay tuned!

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