Valuable insights!
Wednesday, November 30, 2022
Continuing from an earlier excerpt from Dilip Mukerjea's new book, Brainaissance: The Renaissance of the Brain & The Rebirth of Imagination:
The Accidental Entrepreneur:
"So, what made you decide to go into business for yourself?" "It was “Something my last boss said."
"Really, what was that?" "You're fired."
A Philadelphia dentist, Sam Lipschitz, went off to India to find the meaning of life. Months went by and his mother didn’t hear a word from him. Finally, she took a plane to India and asked for the wisest man there. She was directed to an ashram, where the guard told her that she would have to wait a week for an audience with the guru, and at that time she would only be allowed to speak three words to him. She waited, carefully preparing her words. When she was finally ushered in to see the guru, she said to him, “Sam, come home!”
Two guys are hunting in the forest and they run across a bear. They both take off running, but after a while one guy stops, takes off his backpack and pulls out a pair of running shoes. The other guy sees this and is wondering what is going on, so he stops, runs back to the guy and asks "Why are you putting on your running shoes, do you really think you are going to be able to outrun that bear with those?" The other guy said: "I don't have to out run the bear, I just have to out run YOU!"
A robot walks into an Oktoberfest celebration, orders a drink, and offers some cash.
The barmaid says, "Hey, we don't serve robots."
And the robot says, "Oh, but someday you will."
A gingerhead is sitting next to a lawyer on an airplane. The lawyer keeps bugging her to play a game with him so as to determine who has more general knowledge. Finally, he says he will offer her hundred-to-one odds. Every time she doesn’t know the answer to one of the questions, she will pay him five dollars. Every time he doesn’t know the answer to one of her questions, he will pay her five hundred dollars.
She agrees to play, and he asks her, “What is the distance from the earth to the nearest star?”
She says nothing, just hands him a five-dollar bill.
She asks him, “What goes up a hill with three legs and comes back down with four legs?”
He thinks for a long time but in the end has to concede that he has no idea. He hands her 500 dollars.
The gingerhead puts the money in her purse without comment.
The lawyer says, “Wait a minute. What’s the answer to your question?”
Without a word, she hands him five dollars.
A man walks into a bank and says he wants to borrow $200 for six months. The loan officer asks him what kind of collateral he has.
The man says, “I have a fancy blue Mercedes. Here are the keys. Keep it until the loan is paid off.”
Six months later the man returns to the bank, repays the $200 plus $10 interest and takes back his car. The loan officer says, “Sir, if I may ask, why would a man who drives a luxury Mercedes need to borrow $200?”
The man replies, “I had to go to Europe for six months. Where else could I store a Merc that long for $10?”

Here's an excerpt from Dilip Mukerjea's new book, Brainaissance: The Renaissance of the Brain & The Rebirth of Imagination
The True Entrepreneur
A mall manager has three spaces to rent, all in a row. A prospective lessee shows up and says he wants to rent the space on the left for a men's wear shop.
'That's fine,' the mall manager says. 'You get free signage; what do you want on the sign?' 'Men's Wear,' says the man.
A second guy comes along and asks to rent the right hand space for his gentleman's formal wear business. When asked he says he wants 'Men's Wear' on his sign. The mall manager tells him that the left hand shop will have the same sign. 'No problem,' says the man.
Finally a third man comes along to rent the middle space. The manager is somewhat concerned because this guy also has a men's wear shop. Warily the manager asks the third man what he wants on his sign.
The guy replies: 'Entrance.'
Indian Brains
Mathematician: How do you write 4 in between 5?
Answers by: Chinese : Is this a joke? Japanese : Impossible!
American : The question's all wrong! British : It's not found on the Internet And the Indian: F(IV)E
Two cows are standing in the pasture. One turns to the other and says, “Although pi is usually abbreviated to five numbers, it is actually goes on into infinity.”
The second cow turns to the first and says, “Moooooooooooooooooooooooooooo.”
Accounting for Life
A woman is told by her doctor that she has six months to live. “Is there anything I can do?”
“Yes, there is,” the doctor replies. “You could marry a tax accountant.”
“How will that help my illness?” the woman asks.
“Oh, it won’t help you illness,” says the doctor, “but it will make the six months seem like an eternity.”

This elegant quote to me is the best definition for success.
Monday, November 28, 2022
Sunday, November 27, 2022
This elegant quote is music to my ears, so to speak :
Saturday, November 26, 2022
Friday, November 25, 2022
In a nut shell, the book breaks down the different ingredients required to help you reach your flow state of peak performance:
- motivation, learning, grit, creativity, innovation, and flow.
Motivation is what gets you into the game.
Learning and accelerated learning skills allow you to continue to play, so does grit.
Creativity and innovation skills are how you steer, and finally “flow” is how you turbo-boost all of the ingredients to incredible heights.
As Steven Kotler sums up, each of these ingredients tap into one major attribute common in impossible-doers: embracing the power of multiple perspectives, for he argues, looking at a problem from multiple perspectives creates a systems-thinking approach that is at the heart of The Art of Impossible!
Thursday, November 24, 2022
Wednesday, November 23, 2022
Tuesday, November 22, 2022
Monday, November 21, 2022
Sunday, November 20, 2022
My response to a question on Quora:
Saturday, November 19, 2022
Thursday, November 17, 2022
I beg to differ.
Tuesday, November 15, 2022
Frankly, you can only create them via the process of assessing, developing and sustaining them, immediately after recognising them in the first place.
Just as the late creativity maestro Dr Edward de Bono, often acknowledged as the Father of Lateral Thinking, put it:
"The reasons that many opportunities pass us by is a perceptual one - we do not recognise an opportunity for what it is. An opportunity exists only when we see it." ...
"Everyone is surrounded by opportunities. But they only exist once they have been seen. And they will only be seen if they are looked for."!
He added:
"If you wait for opportunities to occur, you will be one of the crowd." ...
"Opportunity ideas do not lie around waiting to be discovered. Such ideas need to be produced."!
His parting shot:
"Studies have shown that 90% of error in thinking is due to error in perception. If you can change your perception, you can change your emotion and this can lead to new ideas."!
These astute observations of his reinforce the fact that enhancing one's perceptual sensitivity to the world is a critical leadership as well as entrepreneurial issue, when it comes to recognising and creating opportunities.