Writing in the book, Manifesto for Singapore: Learning Metropolis of the World, Dilip Mukerkea shares his thoughts about 21st Century Leadership:
21st Century Leaders needs a suite of competencies and literacies that include:
- stewardship a sense of care and compasion to nurture and nourish their followers;
- vision a clear, sacramental mandate, to establish a beacon, so the nation can advance towards it, in a quest for the best;
- passion to provide the driving force to forge success, especially in the face of adversity, to convert adversity into an asset;
- integrity to lead with stainless credentials so that nothing can dilute the life-force of the vision;
- trustworthiness an unblemished presence that inspires the followers to believe in the leader’s intentions, insights, and incorruptibility of purpose;
- curiosity in an age of relentless change, to preserve a sense of wonder and inquiry into the dynamics of life;
- learning to be an incessant self-educationist, and aim thus to be a leading learner and a learning leader;
- daring to not just dare to go forth in the face of danger, but to also dare to fail, to dream, to experiment, to speak up, to live!
- successorship leaders are breeders of leaders and thus, they must have in place options for a successor(s) in anticipation of transformations.
Thus, the leader of today, and tomorrow, must be ready to SHIFT LEARN TRANSFORM in order to stay abreast of transcendental transformations.
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