"Never forget that only dead fish swim with the stream."
~ Malcolm Muggeridge;
"If you want to succeed, you have to forge new paths & avoid borrowed ones."
~ John Rockefeller;
"What others apprise, the same you want to; what others avoid, the same you want to; that is why, you fail as others; how ridiculous it is!"
~ Lao Tzu;
"In order to be irreplaceable, one must always be different."
~ Coco Chanel;
To me, they epitomised the wonderful spirit as embodied in the power of asking 'why not?' questions in one's mind.
I realise from past experiences, that in the course of exploring options to a problem, asking 'Why Not?' questions often put our minds in a shifting perspective state.
In a nut shell,... to think differently; be different & make a difference!
In fact, asking 'Why Not?' questions often challenges our asumptions & beliefs about the world. They also provoke our status quo.
In strategic as well as tactical terms, they can ultimately help us to take the things we see everyday, & think about them in new ways, & explore unnoticed possibilities - or unintended implications - along the way.
Hence, I am gratified to know that the Singapore Design Festival is pursuing the same line of thought.

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