(1) Are you able to choose a state of joy for yourself?
(2) Do you find joy in simplicity?
(3) Regardless of your level of misery, can you radiate joy to others around you?
(4) Are you spontaneously happy, and living in the present?
(5) Are you busy running the Universe or do you have energy enough to live and love life?
(6) Are you childlike, curious, and equipped with a sense of wonder?
(7) Are you able to dance to the rhythms of these fast-changing times?
(8) Do you find pleasure in the company of children?
(9) Do you find pleasure in the company of animals?
(10) Do you find pleasure in nature?
(11) Do you believe that joy can happen anywhere, even in the midst of suffering?
(12) Do you find joy in just being you?
We have power within us to colour our world. Whether we do it in plain shades of grey, or splash it with a million hues, the choice is still ours, and ours alone.
All of us have the capacity to experience durable joy. But do we have the capability? Yes, once again, the choice is ours!
Rip the wrappers off the gift of life!
Let the child within you emerge. Play!
The twelve questions in the foregoing could very easily be amplified to twelve hundred!
Essentially, we need a grand purpose in our lives. Perhaps we should all craft our own Life Mission Statements. It should be descriptive as well as prescriptive. But certainly not restrictive!
[Excerpted from the 'Lifescaping' seminar participant's manual. The 'Lifescaping' seminar is conducted by Dilip Mukerjea about four times a year under the auspices of the Singapore Institute of Management.]
Say Keng's personal comments:
For a quick roundup of interesting ideas & practical actions to boost your JQ (Joy Quotient) , I suggest visiting the following weblinks:
- '10 Life-changing AhAs', from Michelle DeAngelis, author of 'Get a Life That Doesn't Suck';
- 'Don't Prepare, Just Show Up' blogpost in my 'Optimum Performance Technologies' weblog;
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