"Genius is in-born, may it never be still-born."

"Oysters, irritated by grains of sand, give birth to pearls. Brains, irritated by curiosity, give birth to ideas."

"Brainpower is the bridge to the future; it is what transports you from wishful thinking to willful doing."

"Unless you keep learning & growing, the status quo has no status."

Thursday, March 26, 2009


A visitor to a certain college paused to admire the new Hemingway Hall that had been built on campus.

"It's a pleasure to see a building named for Ernest Hemingway," he said.

"Actually," said the guide, "it's named for Joshua Hemingway. No relation."

The visitor was astonished. "Joshua Hemingway a writer, also?"

"Yes, indeed," said his guide. "He wrote a cheque."

A linguistics professor was lecturing to his English class one day. "In English," he said, "a double negative forms a positive. in some languages, though, such as Russian, a double negative is still a negative. However, there is no language wherein a double positive can form a a negative."

A voice from the back of the room piped up, "Yeah, right."

A writer died and was given the option of going to heaven or hell. She decided to check out each place first. As the writer descended into the fiery pits, she saw row upon row of writers chained to their desks in a steaming sweatshop. As they worked, they were repeatedly whipped with thorny lashes.

"Oh, my," said the writer. "Let me see heaven now."

A few moments later, as she ascended into heaven, she saw rows of writers, chained to their desks in a steaming sweatshop. As they worked, they, too, were whipped with thorny lashes.

"Wait a minute," said the writer. "This is just as bad as hell!"

"Oh no, it's not," replied an unseen voice. "Here, your work gets published."

[Excerpted from 'Taleblazers: Imagination to Imprint', by Dilip Mukerjea. All the images in this post are the intellectual property of Dilip Mukerjea.]

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