More than half of our lives are a waste of time. That's the message of a study by Michael Fortino of Priority Management, a time management company.
During our lifetime, we spend:
- five years standing in line;
- twenty-five years sleeping;
- one year looking for misplaced objects;
- six years eating;
- eight months opening direct mail;
- four years doing household chores;
- two years trying to return telephone calls;
Out of say, an 80-year lifespan, almost 44 years are taken up by relatively trivial, boring tasks that occupy most of our free time. Another 20 years are consumed by work.
Out of the 30,000 or so days of our lives, how many are devoted to the pursuit of our own interests and satisfaction? A mere 6,000, or just under seventeen years. These studies give new credibility to the philosophy of making every minute count!
The arithmetic indicates that one-fifth of our lives have been available for leisure. However, this chunk does not present itself together; it reaches us in fragments, at different stages of our lives.
Studies in human longevity indicate that the average lifespan of an individual in the developed world will increase towards 100, and go beyond that progressively. This affects the time we spend on leisure, or other pursuits.
If you miss the moment, an invaluable vein of creative gold can be overlooked due to preoccupation with a desire for total security. This is an illusion that steers us away from creative opportunities that are within us as well as right in front of us. We should seize the moment with vigour; passion is the essence of creative endeavour.for the rest of our lives.
"Some people are making such thorough preparation for rainy days that they aren't enjoying today's sunshine."
[Excerpted from 'Brain Symphony: Brain-blazing Practical Techniques in Creativity for Immediate Application', by Dilip Mukerjea. All the images in this post are the intellectual property of Dilip Mukerjea.]
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