Ask yourself the following questions:
• In what ways am I a business innovator? What expertise have I gained? What tools am I equipped with?
• Do I have access to innovation role models? Are there any innovation mentors in my organisation who will nuture me, and help me to ignite innovation?
• Does my company culture encourage experimentation? If so, how feasible is it for me to get financial support to pursue my ideas? How many levels of bureaucracy would I have to go through?

• Is expertise in innovation a core component of my job description? Does a part of my compensation depend on my innovation performance?
• Do my organisation’s management processes support my efforts as an innovator, or hinder it?
• Can I confidently declare that my organisation has established an all-encompassing, corporatewide innovation system?
If your answer is NO to any of these questions, start doing something about it, and integrate the above steps into a business strategy for continual returns on innovation!
[Excerpted from The Braindancer Series of bookazines by Dilip Mukerjea. All the images in this post are the intellectual property of Dilip Mukerjea.]
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