Proteins are large molecules that are essential for maintaining the structure and function of all living cells of the body, including your brain cells.
Sleep gives us a chance to stockpile the chemicals that are vital for our brains to function properly.

People who are continuously and completely sleep deprived would eventually, literally, be burning themselves out.
Adequate sleep is vital for developing a superb brain.

Children (as well as adults) need a good night’s sleep in order to perform at peak levels during the day.
[Excerpted from the 'Kinderblossoms' edition of The InGenius Series of bookazines by Dilip Mukerjea. All the images in this post are them intellectual property of Dilip Mukerjea.]
Say Keng's personal comments:
One of my favourite books on the foregoing subject is 'Power Sleep : The Revolutionary Program That Prepares Your Mind for Peak Performance', by Dr James Maas.
From the standpoint of optimum performance technologies, sleep as well as napping always intrigues me. Imagine we spend a third of our lives in sleeping.
So, naturally I want to find out how to do it better so that I can stay awake longer.
Despite the author's tendency for mundane rambling throughout the book, I find the chapters explaining the golden rules of sleeping, & introducing the twenty great sleep strategies, the most interesting.
Although the book does not offer really cutting-edge stuff, I find it fascinating, as it offers some useful advice for the peak performer.
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