Leading through learning depends upon a special kind of ignorance... that of never knowing what you can't do! Develop this quality; it will be a faithful companion in your quest for the best.
To know about is never enough; you must be! Be a seeker, not a blind believer. Search, enquire, experiment, and march forth bodly into the future.
Mistakes, mishaps, and misfortines will come your way; treat them as opportunities for discovering who you are. They are a gift from the Universe, designed to help you grow.
This book offers you some raw materials to enhance your life. I am grateful that the magic within has come my way. With great pleasure, I now pass it on to you, dear Reader! Enjoy, and Unleash Your Genius!"
I must say that 'A Book on Learning Miracles for Children of all Ages' as shown on the front cover is certainly an apt secondary title.
This is the only book in Dilip's evolving portfolio that truly transcends both the enducational & the corporate domain.
To put it more explicitly, this is one book that can be read - easy to follow, so to speak - by students, teachers, parents, home-schoolers, managers, professionals & entrepreneurs as well as senior citizens.
As Dilip puts it, "by the time you finish the book, you will have become a Certified Learning FUN-atic! This means that you and your brain will have:
- become incredibly more creative;
- a powerful memory;
- a top class capability to read fast and to remember more;
- escalated your skills in the English Language;
- acquired expertise in Mind Mapping and other ways to process information at top speed;
- activated the art & science of 'power learning';
- had fun with the world's most powerful learning systems!
[As a matter of fact, a pictorial 12-spoke wheel on the back over illustrates the stunning array of learning miracles! - appropriate for building intellectual capital & strategic agility!]
In other words, you will have been unleashing your genius!
There is a New World to be won; NOW! The choice is yours:
Creativity or Catastrophe!
It is about your ability to generate streams of ideas and to translate these ideas into business items.
The pages that follow are meant to design your destiny. The people whose neurons fire quickest and best are the ones that will forge ahead!
The future belongs to the children of today. Let the journey begins... "
What follows is a tapestry of the selected "raw materials" in the wonderful book.

Just click on the foregoing 'Lotus Blossom Map' to get a sneak preview via close-up view of the key pages!
The book is already available at Kinokuniya Bookstores.
Alternatively, you can preview &/or order it from the author's corporate website.
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