They might just start a chain reaction of creative behaviour, which could be a wonderful new direction in your life.
- Use any means you can to create happy laughter around you. Booby-trapping your colleagues is permitted;
- Select random phone numbers from a directory. Call up those parties & wish them a fabulous day!
- Read an article from a magazine or newspaper upside down. The beneficial effect on your brain will amaze you. See if the sight of you reading in this manner amazes any onlookers.
- Use one hand to write down a set of questions you have in your mind, & the other hand to jot down the answers;
- Craft a Mind Map of all your thoughts over a period of one hour;
- Buy a present for someone you dislike intensely;
- Approach a child or a group of children, & seek some advice from them;
- In this day of colour photography, spend a weekend (or a week) taking only black & white photographs;
- Spend a week doodling for 30 minutes a day. Is there a message in the 'mess'?
- Jot down all the things you feel incapable of doing, or have not done due to some reason or another. Now shred them, or set fire to them;
- Have lunch with someone you've never met before. Aim to acquire at least ten new ideas during this encounter;
- Have a serious conversation with your cat, dog, canary or goldfish;
- Design a name card with you as a "Creanovator" (creativity + innovation practitioner);
- Whilst driving to work, smile at anyone you can when stopped at the traffic lights;
- Go to a toy store & buy a toy worth no more than S$10. Use it to provoke possible solutions to a prevailing problem;
- Ask to have the air changed in your car tyres during your next stop at a gas station;
- Learn to play a musical instrument;
- Every day for a week, look up three new words from a dictionary. Use these actively in your conversation;
- Learn at least one new joke a day, for a week. Use these jokes & see if you are able to make people laugh;
- Learn at least five simple, but effective, magic tricks. Use these in your social encounters to stimulate conversation. How could you use them at work?
- Read a book on a topic that you know absolutely nothing about;
- For a week,on every alternate day, assume a perspective of the opposite sex;
- Focus on someone you dislike. Now commit yourself to writing down five things you could like about the person;
Involve yourself in living a life, as opposed to merely earning a living. Commit yourself to new ventures; your spirit will assume new dimensions. The comparison between "involvement" & "commitment" has been characterised by a breakfast of ham & eggs. The chicken was involved - the pic was committed.
This is not the end . . . your journey into Wonderland has just begun. May you always enjoy your infinitely creative genius!
[All images in this post are the intellectual property of Dilip Mukerjea.]
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