This digital snapshot or photo, probably taken towards the tail end of the nineties, has already been used in my blog post dated 7th April 2008 in the 'Optimum Performance Technologies' weblog.
Readers can read it at this link.
I am now using the same photo to tell a slightly different story.
To recap, the guy sitting on the extreme left of the photo was the late Bob Lewis, environmental ecologist & museum designer from United States.
The guy with the blue shirt/white vest is yours truly. On my immediate right is my good friend Dilip Mukerjea.
My late wife, Catherine, was sitting on my left.
[I have actually forgotten the names of the two gentlemen sitting from the right of Dilip. Dilip has however informed me that the gentleman next to him is Brother Michael Broughton, Vice Principal, La Salle College of the Arts.]
Interestingly, I had also written an earlier post about Bob Lewis. Readers can read about him at this link.
Dilip had told me the other day when we had our pow-wow that Bob once served as a coffee boy to the legendary Walt Disney.
Most readers may know that Walt Disney actually pioneered the use of storyboarding techniques in the development of his animation movies as well as the construction of his theme park projects.
So, in a way, Bob had first-hand observations about the storyboarding techniques at work in Disney's studios.
Dilip had also revealed that Bob had shared many interesting insights about the storyboarding techniques, which enabled Dilip to adapt them for other uses, e.g. story-crafting for dissecting stories in English Literature, writing an autobiography, business as well as project planning.
Come to think of it, the six degrees phenomenon is no joke.
Anyway, please stay tuned for a quick lesson in storyboarding.
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