As the name implies, it will showcase a constantly evolving array of tools, templates, tactics, techniques & tips to turbo-charge your creativity & innovation, personally, professionally & organisationally, with specially dedicated contributions from Dilip Mukerjea.
Besides complementing Dilip Mukerjea's own established business outfits & other ongoing professional endeavours, this weblog will also eventually function as an additional marketing avenue for the many published thoughtwares from the Learning Chef & Braindancer.
In the mid-nineties when he had just started out, Dilip Mukerjea had understandably aligned himself with Tony Buzan, the progenitor of Mind-Mapping.
Particularly in the last few years, he has deliberately moved outward as well as jumped forward to reach much higher levels of technical competence, with his own intellectual creations.
His creations are often well thought of & elegantly constructed, in sustaining resonance with his personal motto of "advancing human performance across multiple as well as multi-disciplinary domains".
Because of my personal interactions with him, & having known him since the mid-nineties, I have noticed that many of his new intellectual creations often run off-tangent from his original association with Tony Buzan's work.
In other words, which I hate to say but proud to reveal, the protege has ultimately surpassed the master, in terms of intellectual productivity, & more importantly, novel experiences & value-added benefits for his clients.
Braintales or Storycrafting, Insight & Solution Generator Matrices, Splash Maps, Conceptual Symbols, Lifescapes, Exponential Junction or Junction Dynamics, & SWOT Analysis with Venn Diagrams, are just a handful of them worth mentioning at this point in time.
Many of these products have already been openly shared with his consulting clients & seminar participants, & more will be covered in his forth-coming series of books &/or bookazines.
This weblog of mine will also, from time to time, take the opportunity to share his numerous intellectual creations with readers.
I will also extract excerpts from his books for special mention as immediate takeaways, with the view of guiding readers to maximise learning from his published thoughtwares.
As principal blogger, I will also endeavour to provide personal perspectives of his work & contributions, in addition to sharing with readers useful information about our personal interactions & professional collaborations, & to disseminating our fresh insights as fellow explorers in the field of creativity & innovation.
Please stay tuned!
[All images in this post are the intellectual property of Dilip Mukerjea.]
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