"Genius is in-born, may it never be still-born."

"Oysters, irritated by grains of sand, give birth to pearls. Brains, irritated by curiosity, give birth to ideas."

"Brainpower is the bridge to the future; it is what transports you from wishful thinking to willful doing."

"Unless you keep learning & growing, the status quo has no status."

Thursday, December 1, 2022

My take on a question in Quora:

"How can I train myself to think faster and better under pressure?"
Frankly, in response to your question, I am going to offer you longer term and more elaborate perspectives, beyond what you are thinking and doing right now:
First, read widely, read deeply, and read differently, across a wide array of mediums and topics, covering all kinds of published works, mainstream as well as from the fringes, so that you can have sustainable intellectual horsepower.
You can start with:
- Future Edge, by Joel Arthur Barker,
- The Power of Focus, by Jack Canfied, and
- Leaders Make the Future: Ten New Leadership Skills for an Uncertain World, by Bob Johansen;
Next, write widely, write deeply, and write differently, so as to garner people's attention to your evolving acumen and growing expertise, which often can lead to more public speaking and consulting engagements.
Next, begin with a warm, sincere and genuine interest in people all around you, as people are your greatest resource, as well as your wonderful opportunities.
Next, listen, and talk less.
Next, keep learning - and doing - new things, so as to gain expanded perspectives and new experiences. Evolving and enriching experiences = applied knowledge!
Next, develop a idea/insight generating mindset and a problem solving attitude, so that folks around you can turn to you for advice and help.
Nevertheless, here are a few good tips for enhancing your idea/insight generation or personal brainstorming:
- be acutely observant of your environment, by using all your senses;
- be curious and inquisitive;
- be open-minded to new and even radical possibilities;
- suspend judgement;
- make unlikely connections;
- ask questions, all kinds, especially open-ended ones, like "what if?", "why not?", "So what?", "What now?", etc.
- think like a child, but don't be childish, so to develop the beginner's mindset;
- learn to see things backwards, inside out, and upside down; inside the box as well as outside the box, plus no box at all; also, learn to see from atop; see ahead; see beyond; see behind; see sideways; see beneath; see behind; see from within; and see through, so as to develop multi-directional and multi-developmental viewpoints;
- hitchhike; copycat; piggyback; leapfrog on other peoples' ideas, as "Ideas Build on Ideas";
- you can make use of the simple but proven SCAMPER technique [it dates back to the 1950's], as well as the more elaborate but proven CPSI methodology of the US-based Creative Education Foundation, to expand your idea generation;
- for the more adventurous, you can also take a look at the Synectics group brainstorming process, which also dates back to the 1950's;
Next, go all out to share your knowledge, experience and acumen, as "Knowledge Shared is Power Squared".
Last but not least, be humble.
Always remember, intelligence building and amplification is always a work in progress!
By the way, you may want to explore further the following repertoire of soft skills:
To me, these are the most important skills you must learn and acquire in your life, as they will help you:
- stay relevant;
- exploit opportunities;
- maximise fulfillment;
- increase intellectual horsepower;
i) It's the ability and capacity:
to learn; unlearn; and relearn;

ii) It's the ability and capacity to think:
- strategically;
- systematically and systemically; and
- critically as well as creatively;
iii) It's the ability and capacity to:
- set goals and achieve goals;
- work out and execute a game plan (in a nut shell, to get things done!);
- stay focused on long-range goals and remain flexible on tactical execution;
- massively follow-up and consistently follow-through the game plan;
iv) It's the ability and capacity:
- to spot opportunities;
- to assess opportunities;
- to develop opportunities;
- to pursue opportunities;
v) It's the ability and capacity:
- to find problems;
- to solve problems;
- to anticipate problems;
vi) It's the ability and capacity;
- to stretch our imagination;
vii) It's the ability and capacity:
- to continually sharpen our saw!
viii) It's the ability and capacity:
- to cooperate;
- to collaborate;
- to synergise, with others;
I hold the view that, with such a concerted personal investment in self-education and skill building, you can think faster and better, even under heavy pressure!

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