Here he goes:
You can go through a book by browsing at high speed, in a particular manner, so that you get lots of information in very little time. Tony Buzan calls this exercise ‘Power Browsing’ because it can be done fast. Other authors use a similar approach but use their own terms for the same exercise.
I have modified it to suit individual and group learning needs. The good news is that it can be done by anyone!
Later, we will combine it with speed reading, Mind Mapping, and memory techniques, so

that you have the magic formula for 'Power Study'.
(1) Select a quiet, well-lit place to read. Wear comfortable clothing. Have lots of drinking water handy. If you wish, play some soft Baroque or New Age music (NO rock, rap, or other rowdy stuff!).

(2) Tear off several strips of paper for use as bookmarks.

(3) Have a drawing block, coloured markers, highlighters, and Post-it Notes available.
(4) State your purpose for doing this exercise! Your objective is to finish the book in the little time that

Without opening the book, survey it from all sides. Check out the front and back covers, and the spine. Contrary to the warning: “Don’t judge a book by its cover,” I suggest you do, at least partially.
The outside of the book can give you a great deal of information, as for example, from the title, sub-title, the author’s name, the

[To be continued in the Next Post. All the images in this post are the intellectual property of Dilip Mukerjea.]
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