"Genius is in-born, may it never be still-born."

"Oysters, irritated by grains of sand, give birth to pearls. Brains, irritated by curiosity, give birth to ideas."

"Brainpower is the bridge to the future; it is what transports you from wishful thinking to willful doing."

"Unless you keep learning & growing, the status quo has no status."

Monday, March 5, 2012


Once again, Dilip Mukerjea, has captured the essence of the 'Secrets of the Millionaire Mind', by wealth-building coach T Harv Eker,  visuo-spatially on one single splashmap, as shown in the foregoing.

From my personal perspective, I have observed that the central premise of the author's work as embodied in the book, and as illustrated in the splashmap, as follows:

- If you want to change the visible, you will first have to change the invisible;

- Look to the roots, to enjoy the fruits;

- If you want to change the fruits, you will first change the roots;

- Money is a result; We live in a world of cause and effect; [not illustrated in the splashmap];

is actually a new spin to Napoleon Hill's original concept of wealth building:

"... all achievements, all earned riches, have their beginnings in an idea..."

As I interprete it, money in your hands is just a physical manifestation of an idea in your head.

That's to say, if you want to have more money in your hands, you must first change your thinking, or to put it precisely, you must replace the old idea with a new and better idea in your head, so that you can generate more effective results in your life with the new and better idea.

Also, Eker's causal example for thoughts leading to feelings, from feelings to actions, and from actions to results, is basically a function of the thinking process, which again must take precedence in order for results to manifest.

Likewise, his concept of four planes of existence: "spiritual", "mental", "emotional", "physical", with "physical" as the printout of the other three, and with "spiritual" being paramount, and being contributed by the other three, has to feed back - and feed forward - to the creative thinking process at the beginning, which is invariably governed by the values that are closest to our heart.

In other words, as the author has rightly acknowledged and advocated, we create our own performance results.  Therefore, we have to take personal responsibility and accountability. We cannot wimp, lay blame, and justify.

In a nut shell, we are the steering wheel of our own financial future.

To change our financial future, we have to change our thinking of the future. Ask yourself: Just how do we think?

In the end analysis, as concurred with Dilip, I am emphasising that personal creativity is critical to wealth building. To put it bluntly, it is the "mother of all wealth building".

According to Dilip, it is the intelligent and diligent efforts in creative thinking that one initiate - irrespectively of whether personally, professionally and organisationally - that ultimately converts "ideas" into "cash".

As a matter of fact, Dilip offers an elaborate  8-step creative thinking process, which he calls the Creative Sequence, which I will talk about in a separate blogpost.

I am not hinting that the T Harv Eker's work is frivolous or insignificant. He does offer new and interesting approaches in creating a millionaire mindset, even though some of which are in reality different spins, especially from the standpoint of syntactical variations, to Napoleon Hill's seventeen success habits.

Don't forget, the seventeen success habits were also the distillation of some 500 of the rich and famous, including Andrew Carnegie and John Rockefeller, in America during that era.

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